Queen of M.I.A

by - August 27, 2017

So.. I kind of did my disappearing act again, where I say I'm back to blogging regularly, then I release one post, and POOF! Vanish off into thin air.

Although I can't imagine anyone other than my auntie (hello Cindy my #1 fan) keeping up with my blog, I must say my apologies in case I'm lucky enough to have people other than my auntie reading my blog, I'm really sorry! Since my last update on where I've been, I've actually had another busy 2 months.

In June - July, it was the first time in 19 years (I'm 22 now, and here in the UK, we start school aged 3) where I could fully relax and not have to worry about homework or next semesters workload at uni. I just really wanted to take some time out for myself to do nothing but sit around all day, watching tv, surfing the internet, and eating like a pig! It was great haha! 

Towards the end of July, it was semi busy as it was the week of my graduation from university and the week before that, I found out my final year and overall results back from my lecturers. I ended up finishing uni with a 2:1 (Upper Second Class) Bachelor Degree in Broadcast Media Technologies WITH HONOURS, as my favourite lecturer liked to exaggerate and remind me, because I always miss that part out.
Not going to lie, I was kinda disappointed with the grade as I really wanted to get a First Class Honours, because 1. It looks good on a CV, and 2. I knew I would've gotten it if I did not procrastinate as much as I did, and my end results proved how close I was! I was only 2% of marks out from getting it! But more on that in a future post I have planned about university (Edit: Here's the link to that post, "My University Experience").

Can you believe they had a gown small enough for my short ass????

August was the busiest month for me, I was literally doing something every single day and travelled North, East, South, and West of the UK, and that's because my #1 fan aka my auntie, came back for a months holiday.

Me and my Auntie Cindy

We took her to the usual places she was already familiar with but had not been to in a while, and I don't think I've done this much shopping in the entirety of my life! We literally shopped till we dropped!

As mentioned before we did a lot of travelling up and down the country, we had a 2 day trip to Scotland, going to Glasgow and Edinburgh to visit a family friend.
She took us around, taking us to places that wasn't filled with tourists so we could fully experience Scotland like it was our first time.

On our first night in Scotland, our friend took to the poshest restaurant I have ever come across in my life! Have you ever eaten in a library? Well that is exactly where she took us! As soon as I walked in it was so quiet and oozed elegance, it was next level fine dining. The tables were mirrored and to eat there you had to book in advance even if there were tables available, and they only open on special occasions. The library was called The Signet Library located in Parliament Square in Edinburgh. 

We sat there from late afternoon right till almost 10pm at night just chatting away and catching up, it got to the point we felt bad for the waiters/resses as we were the only table left and they probably just wanted to go home haha.
For some strange reason I kept getting away with/mistaken for a child so, most of the travelling I either travelled for free or for a fraction of the price... I don't know why I don't take advantage of my height more often.

Back on England soil, we went to Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour. I already went with school when it first opened 5/6 years ago, so it wasn't as exciting for me as it was for the others. But they did add in 2 new features like the forest and Hogwarts Express train.

 I even had a cheeky little wand lesson!

In the last week of her stay we decided to take it easy, hang out as a family, do a little bit more last minute shopping, go to the seaside, have a family BBQ, bowling, and took my auntie on our annual trip to Brimham Rocks to do some outdoor rock climbing!

To say we're not family would be a lie, we've got matching scores and we all suck at bowling hahaha!

 Trying my hardest to climb...

Realising my efforts was in vain as I did not know how to get down...

And I guess all this brings me to now, I'm currently sorting out my CV and trying to look for jobs to do with my degree. Even though I will be moving to Hong Kong next year at some point, I want to give it a shot in the UK and see where my degree can take me, and start living my life as an adult as I have been childish for too long now!

I've had such a great Summer and I hope you all have had a fun time too :)

Love, Melody xo

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  1. Amazing photos, looks like you really enjoyed travelled and your auntie visiting! Congratulations on graduating!

    Anika xo | anikamay.co.uk
